Advanced Modelling

PLaSK is a comprehensive tool for numerical analysis of physical phenomena in photonic devices.

Optical Analysis

Rigorous Fourier and Bessel modal methods for precise optical analysis of subwavelength structures.

Current Flow

Computation of current flow and optical gain distribution in electronic devices.

Thermal Properties

Precise determination of the temperature dependence of all the device properties.

Multiphysics Connections

Modular design of independent modules with automatic consideration of their interactions.

Python Powered

Basic simulations and complex optimization can be easily condicd with powerful Python scripting.


PLaSK (Photonic Laser Simulation Kit) is a comprehensive tool for numerical analysis of broad range of physical phenomena in photonic devices. It has been designed for simulating mainly semiconductor lasers, however the range of the covered devices is much larger and includes e.g. transistors, light emitting diodes, photodetectors, etc. Due to its modular nature it is possible to perform computations of virtually any physical phenomenon in micro-scale structures.
PLaSK has been originally developed in a Photonics Group of Lodz University of Technology, which has many-year experience in numerical analysis of semiconductor lasers. Such structures, due to their complex structure, often fail to be correctly simulated by popular general-purpose software. However, in designing PLaSK we have taken special care to consider all the special cases of semiconductor lasers and to choose (or invent where necessary) appropriate algorithms.

Contact Us

If you are interesting in trying PLaSK, please contact us at or fill-in the form below:

Our Address


Lodz Institute of Technology
Institute of Physics

ul. Wólczańska 219
90-924 Łódź, POLAND